We understand that everyone's journey is different, and finding the right resources can make a significant difference in your path to recovery and well-being. Our resource page is designed to provide you with a place to start your specific journey.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The National Suicide Hotline. Not first responder specific, but they can talk to anyone who needs help.

Safe Call Now
A 24/7 help line staffed by first responders for first responders and their family members. They can assist with treatment options for responders who are suffering from mental health, substance abuse and other personal issues.

Frontline Helpline
Run by Frontline Responder Services. Offer 24/7 coverage with first responder call-takers

Fire/EMS Helpline
Also known as Share the Load. A program run by the National Volunteer Fire Council. They have a help line, text-based help services, and have a collection of resources for people looking for help and support.

Firefighter/ Family Crisis and Support Line
A 24/7 hotline for firefighters and family members and to speak with mental health counselors who are trained in fire service culture.